Purchase one bespoke suit tailored using Holland & Sherry’s Escorial* fabric for $625,000 and I will give you, absolulely for free, my town house condominium located on Preakness Mountain in Wayne, NJ and a black Saab SUV, which is in perfect running condition and has less than 18,000 miles of use. The town house will be unfurnished. The Saab will have a full tank of gas.
Chipp 2 Blog
Escorial® is a fibre rich in history and geography. Travelling the globe from North Africa's highest mountains, to the El Escorial palace in Spain before reaching Australia and New Zealand centuries later. The Delicate, time consuming processes, from harvesting the fleece to the finished fabric, as well as its unique heritage, makes Escorial® the most exceptional and purest fibre in the world. In mankind's constant quest to discover the finest. Escorial® is the fulfilment of that dream. Nothing comes closer. Today Escorial® is the world's finest naturally grown fibre, so rare there are only three remaining flocks in the world purely descendent from the original royal Escorial flock. One in New Zealand and two in Australia, where breeders are still committed to preserving the legacy of these fine merino sheep. Then only through a limited selection of the best spinners and weavers does Escorial® find its way into the finest of clothes.
How about Buy One, Get One Free, like Joseph A. Banks?
Escorial is beautiful wool. Escorial wool is rare. Compared to cashmere production, Escorial production figures would represent 10% of the total. So one might say Escorial is 90% rarer then cashmere.
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