November 17, 2011

The Ivy League Look Goes National, 1955

Back to School -

The Ivy League Look Goes National

When the collegian hits the campus this fall, he'll find a distinct Ivy League Flavor - no matter what section of the country he's in. Regional customs, climates and sporadic fads still allow plenty of variety in campus wear. But the New England B.M.O.C.* - with his over-all conservative, well-groomed look and his careful attention to offbeat detail - will be seen on campuses from the Sierra Nevada to the Appalachians.

*Big Man On Campus

Old Favorites, New Eastern Touches on Campus

A freshman is almost always afraid of looking like a freshman. He finds out quickly that, as far as his clothes go, little things mean a lot. But he - as well as the bona fide upper classman - will be on safe ground with a wardrobe built along the lines shown in these pictures. Some of the best sellers are firmly entrenched favorites, others are new, but all will be seen on U.S. campuses this fall.

Source -

Look Magazine - 8/23/55

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